How You Can Contribute



We love to partner up with artists and organizations around town.  A large part of our philosophy revolves around having the children go out into their environment and learn about every aspect of lives around them.  We also welcome and depend on parent volunteers to join committees, read, garden, chaperone, do laundry, help with facilities, sharing your talents- basically, if you can think of it, we would love the help.   If you are interested in helping/ volunteering in any way, please feel free to contact us, info below.

The easiest way to contribute to our school, is as simple as shopping through Amazon!  Go to to learn all about it and to register Salida Montessori Charter School as your organization for contributions.  You can follow this link to find out more:


If you would be willing to give a contribution to help us fund the school, any help would be appreciated.  Running a charter school comes at enormous cost and we could use financial support from anyone that wants to contribute, helping us provide a public option for the children in Salida. 

We cannot create observers by saying ‘observe,’ but by giving them the power and the means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses.

Maria Montessori

If you care to send in a friendship pledge, you can fill out this form:

A Pledge commits a donation to the Salida Montessori Charter School to be used for expenses required to run the school.

or mail to:


PO Box 1080

Salida, Co 81201